Numbers 10.6.8

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I dare anyone to find the model number anywhere on the keyboard, certainly not on the bottom corner. UPDATE: As far as I can tell, the only difference between the 'A' version and the 'B' version is the F-4 key. The new one has a 'gas gauge looking dial' while the old one has 6 tiny boxes. It can be calculated by finding the mean of the values first and then find the difference between each value and the mean. Take the absolute value of each difference and find the mean of the difference, which is termed as MAD. Find the MAD of a data set using this mean absolute deviation calculator. Europe is the most suicidal region in the world, while the Eastern Mediterranean is the least. According to a recent study, the absolute number of suicide deaths increased by 6.7% from 762,000 to 817,000 annually between 1990 and 2016, while age-standardized suicide rates fell by a third. Worldwide, the rates in 2016 were about 16 deaths per. Make sure you have the correct part. This depends on the serial number of your engine which should be located on a sticker below the front of the plastic cover for the fuel bowl. Neither Ford or International calls it a 'CPS', Ford calls it a CMP sensor and International calls it a CAMP sensor. Ford Part #'s: Before engine serial #375549. Note that the inputs are standard notation numbers. The answers are formatted in scientific notation and E notation. 122500 + 3655 = 1.26155 x 10 5. Scientific Notation. In scientific notation a large number is converted to an equivalent decimal number between 1 and 10, multiplied by 10 raised to some power.

Basic Math: Scientific Notation

Numbers 10.6.8 explained

In this section, you will occasionally be asked to answer some questions. Whenever a problem set is given, you should answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper and then verify your answers by clicking on 'Answers.'

The first thing to learn is how to convert numbers back and forth between scientific notation and ordinary decimal notation. The expression '10n', where n is a whole number, simply means '10 raised to the nth power,' or in other words, a number gotten by using 10 as a factor n times:

105 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 100,000 (5 zeros)

108 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 100,000,000 (8 zeros)

Notice that the number of zeros in the ordinary decimal expression is exactly equal to the power to which 10 is raised.

If the number is expressed in words, first write it down as an ordinary decimal number and then convert. Thus, 'ten million' becomes 10,000,000. There are seven zeros, so in powers of ten notation ten million is written 107.

A number which is some power of 1/10 can also be expressed easily in scientific notation. By definition,

1/10 = 10-1 ('ten to the minus one power')

More generally, the expression '10-n' (where n is a whole number) means ( 1/10 )n. Thus

10-3 = ( 1 / 10 )3 = 1 / ( 10 x 10 x 10) = 1/1000

10-8 = ( 1 / 10 )8 = 1/100,000,000

Scientific notation was invented to help scientists (and science students!)deal with very large and very small numbers, without getting lost in all the zeros. Now answer the following on a separate sheet of paper and check your answers by clicking on 'Answers':

First Problem Set

Express 1-6 in scientific notation, and 7-10 in ordinary notation:

1. 100

2. 10,000,000

3. 1 / 10,000

4. one million

5. 1 / 10,000,000

6. one ten millionth

7. 103

8. 10-5

9. 109

10. 1 X 10-2

What about numbers that are not exact powers on ten, such as 2000, 0.0003, etc.? Actually, they are only a little more complicated to write down than powers of ten. Take 2000 as an example:

2000 = 2 x 1000 = 2 x 103

As another example, take 0.00003, or 'three ten-thousandths':

0.0003 = 3 x 1 / 10,000 = 3 x 10-4

There is a simple procedure for getting a decimal number into the 'standard form' for scientific notation:

First, write down the number as the number itself times 100. This can be done because 100 equals one, and any number times one equals that number. The number is now in the standard form:

coefficient x 10 exponent

Second, start moving the decimal point in the coefficient to the right or left. For each place you move the decimal place to the left, add 1 to the exponent. For each place you move it to the right, subtract 1 from the exponent. What you are doing is dividing (or multiplying) the coefficient by 10 each time, while at the same time multiplying (or dividing) the exponent term by 10 each time. Since what you do to the exponent term undoes what you do to the coefficient, the total number does not change.

Some examples will hopefully make it clear:

2000 = 2000 x 100= 200 x 101= 20 x 102= 2 x 103

0.0003 = 0.0003 x 100= 0.003 x 10-1 = 0.03 x 10-2 = 0.3 x 10-3= 3 x 10-4

You should move the decimal point until there is exactly one nonzero digit to the left of the decimal point, as in the last case of each example given. We then say that the number is fully in the standard form. You should always express scientific notation numbers in the standard form. Notice that you don't really have to write down each of the steps above; it is enough to count the number of places to move the decimal point and use that number to add or subtract from the exponent. Some examples:

250,000 = 2.5 x 105 5 places to the left

0.000035 = 3.5 x 10-5 5 places to the right

0.00000001 = 1 x 10-8 = 10-8 8 places to the right

Second Problem Set

Express 1-6 in scientific notation, and 7-10 in ordinry notation:

1. 342,000,000

2. 0.000923

3. eight million

4. 0.0000064

5. 47,682

6. 0.0249

7. 4 x 107

8. 3.22 x 10-3

9. 8.4 x 1010

10. 6.33 x 10-6

The most difficult kind of calculation that can be done with numbers expressed in scientific notation turns out to be addition or subtraction. Multiplication, division, and raising to powers is actually easier. So, we'll deal with these first.

The rule for multiplying two numbers expressed in scientific notation has three steps:

  1. Multiply the coefficients to get the new coefficient.
  2. Add the exponents (watch the signs!) to get the new exponent.
  3. Get the number into the standard form, if needed.


(4 x 103) x (2 x 107) = ( 4 x 2 ) x ( 103 + 7 ) = 8 x 1010

(2 x 10-5) x (2.5 x 108) = ( 2 x 2.5 ) x ( 10-5+ 8 ) = 5 x 103

(3 x 10-7) x (3 x 10-8) = ( 3 x 3 ) x ( 10 -7 + (-8) ) = 9 x 10-15

(4 x 107) x (3 x 105) = ( 4 x 3 ) x ( 10 7 + 5 ) = 12 x 1012= 1.2 x 1013

The steps for division are similar:

  1. Divide the coefficients to get the new coefficient
  2. Subtract the 'bottom' exponent from the 'top' one (really watch the signs!) to get the new exponent.
  3. Get the number into the standard form, if needed.

Some examples:

(6 x 105) / (2 x 103) = ( 6 / 2 ) x ( 10 5 - 3 ) = 3 x 102

(9 x 108) / (3 x 10-5) = ( 9 / 3 ) x ( 10 8 - (-5) ) = 3 x ( 10 8 + 5 ) = 3 x 1013

(5 x 103) / (2 x 107) = ( 5 / 2 ) x ( 10 3 - 7 ) = 2.5 x 10-4

(2 x 105) / (4 x 102) = ( 2 / 4 ) x ( 10 5 - 2 ) = 0.5 x 103= 5 x 102

If you are given a number in scientific notation to raise to a power, remember that all this means is that it is used as a factor that many times. Simply write the number down as many times as the power to which it is to be raised, and use the rules for multiplication repeatedly.


(2 x 105)3 = (2 x 105) x (2 x 105) x (2 x 105)

(2 x 105)3 = ( 2 x 2 x 2 ) x ( 105 x 105 x 105)

(2 x 105)3 = 8 x ( 10 5 + 5 + 5 ) = 8 x 1015

In a situation where you have to raise things to a power and do multiplication or division, always finish raising to the power first, then do the other operation.l


(2 x 109)3 / (6 x 10-2)2

(2 x 2 x 2) x (109 x 109 x 109) / (6 x 6) x (10-2 x 10-2)

(8 x 10 9 + 9 +9) / (36 x 10 -2 -2)

(8 x 1027)/ (36 x 10-4)

(8/36) x (10 27 - (-4))

0.22 x 10 31 = 2.2 x 10 30

Third Problem Set

Calculate the following:

1. (7 x 106) / (2 x 104)

2. (2 x 107) x (4 x 10-9)

3. (5 x 108) x (5 x 103)

4. (6 x 103)3 / (3 x 106)4

5. (5 x 103) / (2 x 103)

6. (3 x 104)2

7. (4 x 10-6)3

8. (2 x 105) x (6 x 107) / (4 x 108)

Addition and subtraction are a little more involved. There are four basic steps:

  1. Find the number whose exponent is algebraically the smallest (remember, negative numbers are algebraically smaller than positive ones, and the 'more negative' the number, the smaller it is).
  2. If the exponents of the numbers are not the same, change the number with the smaller exponent. Do this by moving the decimal point of the coefficient of that number to the left, and adding one to the exponent of that number, until the two exponents are equal.
  3. Add or subtract the coefficients of the two numbers. The result is the coefficient of the result. The exponent is the exponent of the number you did not change.
  4. Put the result in standard form, if necessary.


a) (3 x 10-6) - (2 x 10-7)

The algebraically smallest exponent is -7, so we change the second term:

2 x 10-7 = 0.2 x 10-6 The exponents are now the same

(3 x 10-6) - (0.2 x 10-6) = ( 3 - 0.2 ) x 10-6 = 2.8 x 10-6

b) (9.39 x 105) + (8 x 103) = (9.39 x 105) + (0.08 x 105) = 9.47 x 105

In situations where addition and subtraction are mixed with multiplication and division, do the multiplication and division first, then do the addition and subtraction. And don't forget that raising things to powers always takes priority over multiplication and division!


a) (5 x 106) x (3 x 10-3) + (2.2 x 105)

(5 x 3) x (106 x10-3) + (2.2 x 105)

(15 x 106-3) + (2.2 x 105)

(15 x 103) + (2.2 x 105)

(0.15 x 105) + (2.2 x 105)

2.4 x 105

b) (6.3 x 103) - (4 x 104)3 / (8 x 105)2

(6.3 x 103) - (4 x 4 x 4 x 104 x 104 x 104) / (8 x 8 x 105 x 105)

(6.3 x 103) - (64 x 1012) / (64 x 1010)

(6.3 x 103) - ( (64 / 64) x 10 12 - 10 ) )

(6.3 x 103) - (1 x 102)

(6.3 x 103) - (0.1 x 103)

6.2 x 103

Fourth Problem Set

Calculate the following:

1. (5.7 x 106) + (3 x 105)

2. (4.2 x 10-8) - (2.3 x 10-8)

3. (3.8 x 105) - (2.1 x 106)

4. (7.43 x 105) + (1.97 x 107) / (2 x 103)

5. (1.35 x 107) + (8 x 105)

6. (6.52 x 103) - (1.41 x 105) x (2.31 x 10-3)

7. (8.52 x 10-9) + (2.16 x 10-9)

8. (4.73 x 104) + (3.16 x 1011) / (7.4 x 103)2

Updated 8/26/99By James E. Heath
Copyright Ó 1999 Austin Community College

The standard form calculator is used to convert the numbers into standard form by placing the decimal value in the number. It converts a long number into an easily readable standard form.

It is a write in standard form calculator which takes the number from the user and convert to standard form.

In this content, we will explain what standard form is, how to use our standard form calculator, and how to calculate standard form as well.

How to use standard form calculator?

To use thisstandard notation calculator, follow the below steps:

  • Enter the number in the given input box.
  • Press the Calculate button to see the result.
  • You can reset the values by using the Reset

This standard form equation calculator will instantly show you the converted standard form of the given number. You can also use our scientific notation calculator and scientific notation converter to calculate the scientific notations.

What is standard form?

If you are wondering what is standard form in math, you are at right place.

Standard form is used to reduce the difficulty in reading very large or very small numbers. Standard form of a number is any number between 1.0 and 10.0 multiplied by power 10, For example, 1.2× 102

For a demonstration of standard form, take a look at below examples:

Number: 85500000000000

Standard form: 8.55 × 1013

Number: 0.000458912

Standard form: 4.58 × 10-4

How to Write in standard form?

Numbers 10.6.8

You can use our convert to standard form calculator to calculate the standard form of any number. However, we will explain how you can convert a number to standard form manually. To convert a number to standard form, follow the below steps:

  1. Write down the number.
  2. Identify the decimal point in the number. If there is no decimal point in the given number, it is considered as at the right side of the number after the last digit.
  3. After identifying the decimal point, move the decimal to the first non-zero digit in the number.

4. Count the total number of digits you have moved the decimal point. Multiply the number with 10 and raise the power of 10 with the total number of digits decimal have moved. If the decimal is moved from right to left, power will be positive, and if the decimal is moved from left to right, power will be negative.


Convert 0.0009 to the standard form.


Numbers 10.6.8

Follow the steps to find the standard form of the given number.

Step 1: Write down the number.

Numbers 10.6.8 Version


Numbers 10.6.8

Step 2: Identify the decimal point in the number. You can see the decimal point is lying after 4 digits from the left side.

Numbers 10.6.8 Printable

Step 3: After identifying the decimal point, move the decimal to the first non-zero digit in the number.

It will become 9. Because there is no non-zero digit after 9, we don’t need to write the decimal point after 9.

Step 4: Count the total number of digits you have moved the decimal point. We have moved the decimal 4 places further. Multiply the number with 10 and raise the power of 10 with the total number of digits decimal have moved. As we have moved the decimal point from left to right, the power will be negative.

9 × 10-4

So, the standard form of the number 0.0009 is 9 × 10-4.

Numbers 10.6.8 In The Bible


25*10^6 in standard form2.5 x 10^7
5004300 in standard form5.0043 x 10^6
0.00147 in standard form1.47 x 10^-3
0.884 in standard form8.84 x 10^-1
234.543 x 10^2 in standard form2.34543 x 10^4

Numbers 10.6.8 Explained


Number 1068

  1. Standard Form.
  2. What Is Standard Form? - Definition, Facts & Example.
  3. Math Only Math, Standard Form Of A Number | Numeral In Standard Form.
  4. Standard Form ~ Reference By Jenny Eather.
  5. Form - Mathematics GCSE Revision.
  6. Standard Form Of A Line.

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