Dyld Library Path

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Hi all,

Dyld Library Path

I've been struggling to find a proper way to set up DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable on Mountain Lion.

Dyld: Library not loaded: libtest.dylib Referenced from: /PATH/bin/./myapp Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap: 5 otool -l myapp shows the rpath is correctly updated in myapp. Load command 16 cmd LCRPATH cmdsize 40 path @executablepath/./lib/ (offset 12) The same is true with libtest.dylib.

  1. I read some articles discouraging of the use of DYLDLIBRARYPATH, as the the path of dynamic library should be fixed using -installname, @rpath, and @loaderpath. In terms of making a program that runs both on Linux and Mac OS X, DYLDLIBRARYPATH of Mac OS X does exactly what LDLIBRARYPATH of Linux.
  2. Myriadcompile - dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libtbb.dylib? On Mac OSX 10.15.7 + 2021.2 Is there a way to work around this issue in Mac? It seems the libtbb was not loaded properly?
  3. What matters is that I'm dlopening it using just the leaf name of the path, after setting DYLDLIBRARYPATH at runtime to include MATLAB's dir (Test 1). But when I dlopen it with the full path (Test 2) it works.

I have to use Perl Modules for work purposes but eveytime I try to install some CPAN Module (DBD::Oracle to be exact),perl complains that it can't find the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and can't continiue with the installation.

Exact error is:

Trying to find an ORACLE_HOME

Your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH env var is set to '

Dyld_library_path Linux

Dyld_library_path Environment Variable

The ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set and I couldn't guess it.

It must be set to hold the path to an Oracle installation directory

on this machine (or a machine with a compatible architecture).

See the appropriate README file for your OS for more information.



I have downloaded the Oracle Instant Client files for Basic,SQLPLUS and SDK but I don't know how to use these?

When I try the commands:

export PATH='$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH'

and use my directory path of where the instanclient binaries are located for the part '$HOME/.rbenv/bin' and use 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' for '$PATH' but it doesn't helped me at all.

Still the same errors.What should I download in order to set ORACLE_HOME (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) and which files I should point the environemt variable to?

Anyone please help me?

Thank a lot

Perl 5.12.4-OTHER, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

Posted on Mar 7, 2013 5:10 AM

The RunEnvironment helper prepares PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH environment variables to locate shared libraries, frameworks and executables of your requirements at runtime.


The RunEnvironment is no longer needed, at least explicitly in conanfile.py. It has been integratedinto the self.run(...,run_environment=True) argument. Check self.run().

This helper is specially useful if:

  • You are requiring packages with shared libraries and you are running some executable that needs those libraries.
  • You have a requirement with some tool (executable) and you need it to be in the path.

It sets the following environment variables:

PATHContaining all the requirements bin folders.
LD_LIBRARY_PATHContaining all the requirements lib folders. (Linux)
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATHContaining all the requirements lib folders. (OSX)
DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATHContaining all the requirements framework_paths folders. (OSX)


Dyld_library_path Xcode

Security restrictions might apply in OSX(read this thread), so theDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH environment variables are not directly transferred to the child process. In that case, you have to use it explicitly inyour conanfile.py:

This is already handled automatically by the self.run(...,run_environment=True) argument.

Dyld_library_path Python

See also

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