Preview App Crop Greyed Out

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Throughout this comprehensive tutorial, we will explain how to upload an angular image, show image preview by creating a Base64 url in angular, how to crop an image in angular, how to zoom the image, and how to scale the image in Angular.

Preview can help you do some simple edit your photos and PDFs. Open the file you want to crop in Preview. Click the Show Markup Toolbar button. It's the button with the little toolbox icon. Click, hold, and drag on the file to create a selection. Click, hold, and drag on any of the blue dots to resize the selection if needed. You can try below steps: In System Preference Printers & Scanners, press Control and click the printer and click Reset Printing System. This will remove all your printers. Go to Utilities and open Disk Utility. Click Macintosh HD in the left panel and then click Repair Disc Permissions in the right panel. Restart your computer. In the Preview app on your Mac, click the Show Markup Toolbar button (if the Markup toolbar isn’t showing), then click the Instant Alpha button (or use the Touch Bar). Drag over part of the background. Preview selects the area you dragged over and any pixels adjacent to it that have the same colors. To delete the selected area, press Delete. Steps to repair half of picture missing, grey box in photos or greyed-out Photos. Download Stellar Repair for Photo and connect the storage media to the computer. On the home screen of software, select Add File option. Select the files for repair and click Repair. Save your repaired photos to the desired location. How to edit a photo in Preview. You can annotate a photo with the same tools you can use on a regular PDF. In addition, you can flip a photo horizontally or vertically, crop it, or adjust the size.

Adding image uploading, previewing, cropping, scaling, and zooming in Angular is easy; this required feature can be created using the ngx-image-cropper plugin.

The Image cropper for Angular is available through the node package manager, and this plugin allows you to add profound features related to an image file.

Register image cropper in Angular’s main app module class, after which you can access numerous methods and API for handling file upload, preview, and zoom. To know more about the image cropper, visit here.

Angular 12 Image Cropper Example

  • Step 1: Set Up Angular Environment
  • Step 2: Install Bootstrap Package
  • Step 3: Add NGX Image Cropper Package
  • Step 4: Register ImageCropperModule in App Module
  • Step 5: Integrate Image Cropper in Angular
  • Step 6: Start Development Server

Set Up Angular Environment

Angular CLI is a go-to tool for angular app development, so execute the command to commence the angular command-line-interface tool installation.

Install a latest version of angular app:

Use command to land on the project’s root:

Install Bootstrap Package

Preview App Crop Greyed Out Youtube

To use the custom UI components, we require to install Bootstrap package in Angular app.

Execute command to install the package:

Include bootstrap css into angular.json file:

Add NGX Image Cropper Package

Once you created a new angular app and entered into the project further, you have to install and add the image cropper plugin into the angular app:

Register ImageCropperModule in App Module

Ideally, to access the image cropper package’s various methods and properties, you have to register the ImageCropperModule into the main app module class.

Open and insert code into the app.module.ts file:

Integrate Image Cropper in Angular

Preview App Crop Greyed Out

Implementing image cropper functionality is a facile process; so far, we have completed almost every setup.

Now, get into the TypeScript template import ImageCroppedEvent API; this will allow you to crop an uploaded image. It will convert the image file into Base64 format and show the cropped image preview.

Additionally, we added three custom functions for displaying the cropper component, starting the cropper component and showing an error message when the error occurred while uploading the file.

Add code into the app.component.ts file:

Create button attach change event, similarly use image-cropper directive and load it with various events and methods to configure it for image upload, crop, and preview.

Open and place below code in app.component.html file:


Start Development Server

Lastly, test the feature we built, so execute the ng serve command from the command prompt to run the development server.

Open the url on the browser:

Preview App Crop Greyed Out Images


Preview App Crop Greyed Out

We have completed the image cropper tutorial; in this example, we learned how to add an image cropper package in angular to upload, preview, crop, zoom, and scale an image that you can directly upload to the server.

Preview User Guide

You can extract part of an image. For example, you can extract one person’s face from a group photo and then paste the face elsewhere.

Preview App Crop Greyed Out For Pc


If an image’s background consists of areas that are mainly the same color, you can also remove the background.

Extract an image

  1. In the Preview app on your Mac, click the Show Markup Toolbar button (if the Markup toolbar isn’t showing), click the Selection Tools menu , then choose the Smart Lasso tool .

  2. Trace the edge of the image you want to extract.

    Make sure the image’s edge is within the thick border that appears as you trace.

  3. Connect the end of the border back to its beginning, or stop dragging to connect the border in a straight line back to the beginning.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To copy the image so that you can paste it in a document: Choose Edit > Copy.

    • To remove everything outside of your selection: Click Crop or choose Edit > Invert Selection, then press Delete.

Extract a PDF page as an image

Preview App Crop Greyed Out Video

You can select part of an image opened in Preview, then copy and paste it elsewhere or crop the content surrounding it. If the image is in a PDF, you need to extract the PDF page as an image before you can use the image markup tools.

  1. In the Preview app on your Mac, open the PDF file, choose View > Thumbnails, then select the page in the thumbnail sidebar.

  2. Click File > Export, type a name, add a tag (optional), then choose where you want to save it.

  3. Click the Format pop-up menu and choose an image format (such as PNG).

  4. Click Save.

Preview Crop Greyed Out

Remove the background from an image

  1. In the Preview app on your Mac, click the Show Markup Toolbar button (if the Markup toolbar isn’t showing), then click the Instant Alpha button (or use the Touch Bar).

  2. Drag over part of the background.

    Preview selects the area you dragged over and any pixels adjacent to it that have the same colors.

  3. To delete the selected area, press Delete.

    To delete everything outside the selected area, choose Edit > Invert Selection, then press Delete.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have the image you want.

Preview App Crop Greyed Out Meaning

See alsoAnnotate an image in Preview on MacTake a picture of your screen in Preview on Mac

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