Rename Files In Dev C

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Rename files in dev code

The part of code where I rename the file just won't work. I tried writing it separately in another project, it works. C rename dev-c.

Use git mv command to rename files and directories in current git repository. You can see that the same command is used to move files as well. The difference between both operations is that if you changed the filename only and destination is the same directory then it called rename.


Dev-C A free, portable, fast and simple C/C IDE. Create new file in project rename 'untiled' file to 'foobar.h' save 'foobar.h' rename 'foobar.h' file 'FooBar. 4 Ways to Rename a File in Linux. It is easy to rename a file in Linux using a GUI file manager or using the command line when you are dealing with a single file. But if you wish to rename multiple files, using the command line is a better approach. In this tutorial, we will discuss 4 different ways in which we can rename a file in Linux. To rename all the files in a folder, we can use the Rename-FileExtension.ps1 script. It uses the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to obtain a listing of all files in the folder with a specific extension, and then uses the Rename-Item cmdlet to rename the files. The Rename-FileExtension.ps1 script is seen here. Rename function in C/C. Rename function is used to change the name of the file or directory i.e. From oldname to newname without changing the content present in the file. This function takes name of the file as its argument. If newname is the name of an existing file in the same folder then the function may either fail or override the.


For example, you have multiple files in your current project. In my case, the files are as followings.

Now, I am renaming file firstfile.txt with new name users.txt in the current directory.

You can view the current changes using git status command. The -s switch shows the short message only.

At the end, you need to commit your changes to the local git repository and then push changes to remote git repository using the following commands.

Linux and Cmake are needed for this tutorial to install Geant4. Ubuntu 16.04 and cmake 3.5.1 was used.

The described installation method is suitable for Geant4 version starting from 9.6. The version of cmake depends on a version of Geant4.

How to get Geant4 source code

The official website of Geant4 is now located at and there you can download last version of Geant4. Installation files are provided as source code in the Source Files section as a tar or zip archive.

You can also install from precompiled sources, it is the section «Pre-compiled Libraries». I advise you to install it from the source, since then the final programs will work faster.

So, let us download the last source file as geant4.10.03.p03.tar.gz

Where to install Geant4

Further, for convenience, a special folder is selected in the home directory where Geant4 will be installed and all files relating to it will be located.

You can name the directory as you like, but it is better to avoid spaces and if your locale in the system is not UTF-8, then the path should be all from English letters and numbers, otherwise problems may occur due to differences in encoding.

Unzip the archive, by default it is unpacked into a folder geant4.10.03.p03, the full path to it now is

To install Geant4 create two directories

How it is clear from the names, the 'build' folder is for compilation and with 'install' is for the installation of Geant4.

Rename Files In Dev Console

Configuration of the Geant4 installation

Open the console and go to the folder geant4.10.03-build

First you need to run cmake and the command with full launch options looks like:

where -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is a path of installation, ../geant4.10.03.p03 is the directory in which the source code is located. You can put .. if it is located in the directory above, otherwise it is better to indicate the full path, -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA enables data download during installation. It is turned off by default, but I propose to enable it, let download everything. In another case you can get problem with not not enough data. About 500 MB will be download. -DGEANT4_USE_QT enables use of QT and -DGEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11 switchs on the ability to draw using OpenGL in the window if QT does not work. The compilation is configured for Release by default, it means there is no debugging in Geant4, to configure debugging Debug look here.

You can just run it should be enough to install Geant4.

The output is:

If there are these lines at the end

it means the successful development of cmake and you can start compiling. If there are errors, see the next section.

If you got errors while installing Geant4

However, on a fresh installation of Ubuntu some errors may appear when packages are missing, here are some examples

First error

Not found package EXPAT


The solution is to install the expat package via synaptic or with the command

Sometimes it doesn’t work, then try the command:

Second error

Some QT files are missing

The solution is to install QT4


Third error

Missing source files or development kit (dev) for QT


Fourth error

Missing development files for X11


On fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS it required to install a more packages:

On fresh Ubuntu installation it wasn't more error. It was checked on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in June 2018.

Compilation and installation of Geant4

After successfully executing cmake, compile the command


To make the process faster, compilation can be carried out on several processor cores. I have 4 threads and compile with the command

Install after compilation with command

Congratulations, Geant4 is installed!

For a more complete guide in English lock a link

In order to use this particular Geant4 installation, set the paths in the console where you will build and execute the project of Geant4 with the command:

More briefly, you need to specify the path to the file in the installation directory

Rename Files In Dev Core

You can read about running the example. here.

Rename Files In Dev C++

Good luck!

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